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New Study Shows that CBD Decreases Urge to Use Methamphetamines

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We’ve all heard by now the hype about the healing qualities of CBD, and how it can help anything from anxiety to cancer. But now there is a scientific study pointing to the possibility of CBD decreasing the urge of methamphetamine addicts to use.

According to the study,

Cannabidiol (80 mg/kg, but not 40 mg/kg, or 20 mg/kg) reduced the motivation to self-administer methamphetamine and attenuated methamphetamine-primed relapse to methamphetamine-seeking behavior after extinction.

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Well, since most diseases (if not all) stem from some sort of inflammation (chronic or not), cannabidiol (CBD) is a powerful anti-inflammatory that naturally works with our endocannabinoid system, causes no side-effects, and so, is the perfect medication that fits all situations. However, CBD remains a Schedule I drug, according to the DEA; but not for long.

Last June, the FDA approved Epidiolex, a pharmaceutical with a purified form of CBD designed to help epilepsy in children –which used to be a previously untreatable disease.

With the majority of the country leaning towards legalization, a majority of states voting for some sort of legalization, and Canada and Mexico legalizing recreational cannabis, it seems like we are primed for national legalization ourselves. Fingers crossed. But in the meantime, find your representatives and let them know your thoughts on cannabis legalization.

State-By-State WeedUpdate


Governor-Elect Ned Lemont, says that he wants to move on legalizing recreational cannabis in Connecticut. This is after he visited Colorado and witnessed that the program is doing very well—in complete contrast to a new report stating that Colorado’s experiment with legal weed is not doing well. However, consider the source of that report, and decide if they have a political bias to its conclusions. The full report can be found here. That said, Governor-Elect Lemont is ready to move forward with legislation, so make sure you send him your support.


Michigan voted to legalize recreational marijuana during the midterms. And now we have many towns and cities within Michigan planning on “opting out.” Cities such as Monroe, Pinckney, Troy, and Portage have already signaled that they will pass ordinances banning recreational cannabis businesses from their jurisdictions. It is a move we have been seeing in New Jersey, and more recently in New York, but it is the right of these communities to opt-out if they believe it is in the best interest of their residents. However, if you live in one of these cities and want to make your voice heard, use our tool to find your representatives and contact them.


The new governor-elect Tim Walz is a proponent of recreational cannabis and is optimistic about the increase in tax revenue that a new legal industry could bring. According to TwinCities.com, the governor-elect said,

I think that’s an important component of this. Give people the opportunity to get out, start fresh and realize that society has moved and changed on this issue and we can get it right.” 

Let your representatives hear your voice. Find them here and contact them.


Missourians voted to legalize medical marijuana during the midterms. They are about to find out –like many other states—that owning a firearm while consuming medical cannabis is against federal law. Hawaii, for example, sent letters to registered gun owners that are also medical marijuana patients, that they have to turn in their firearms. To counteract this potentially happening in Missouri, state Rep. Nick Shroer has stated that he will be introducing legislation to protect the 2nd amendment rights of medical marijuana patients. Show him some support, and contact him at the state senate.

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New Jersey

Finally, a bill legalizing recreational marijuana has cleared the Senate Budget Committee and the Assembly Appropriations Committee and is ready for a vote by the full State Senate and Assembly. According to App.com,

Senate President Stephen Sweeney, D-Gloucester, said in an interview Monday that he wouldn’t post the bill for a vote in the full Senate until it has Murphy’s support. The next possible votes by the full Senate and Assembly are in mid-December.

In other news, Governor Murphy signs bill to promote the research and cultivation of hemp crops in the Garden State. New Jersey is going to have a vibrant new economy in the next few years.

New York

There have been many reports about New York moving towards the legalization of recreational cannabis. And just like many towns in New Jersey banning recreational marijuana businesses, the town of North Hempstead in New York is thinking of doing the same. The town will be passing laws banning recreational marijuana should it become legal in the state. They will also put some restrictions on medical marijuana dispensaries, such as they cannot be within 1000 feet of parks, schools, and child care centers. If you are in North Hempstead, find your representatives and let them know your thoughts about cannabis legalization.

Meanwhile, the New York State Assembly held a public meeting on marijuana legalization. So, the state is moving ahead and is on the right track.

North Dakota

Voters in North Dakota rejected legalizing recreational cannabis, so lawmakers are motivated to put forth proposals for its decriminalization instead. According to TheDicksonPress.com,

State Rep. Shannon Roers Jones, R-Fargo, said under the proposal, people caught with a small amount of marijuana would only pay a fine and avoid creating a criminal record. She said she’s still working out the details of the bill, adding it could apply to possession of an ounce or less of the drug.

Rhode Island

The conversation about legalizing recreational marijuana by politicians in Rhode Island has taken a 180-degree turn. Lawmakers that once were against legalization in the past, are now considering it. According to WPRI.com,

In a WPRI 12/Roger Williams University poll last month, a majority of Rhode Island voters said they think recreational marijuana should be legal for consumers over the age of 21.

The survey of 416 likely voters found 56% thought the state should legalize recreational marijuana for people ages 21 and older, while 37% said no and 7% weren’t sure.

Find your representatives, and let them hear your views on regulating cannabis like alcohol.


Utah voted to legalize medical marijuana this past midterm election. Now it’s up to the state legislatures to put some final touches on the proposed law. Therefore, the president of the state Senate is calling for an immediate meeting on December 3rd to change a crucial part of the law that was identified by law enforcement. The draft new bill can be found here.

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